New Gate Fees – July 1, 2024

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The following are gate fees at all Kern County Public Works landfills and transfer stations. These established fees have been adopted by the Kern County Board of Supervisors as listed in Kern County Ordinance No. G-9275. Please see specific rates below. Contact Kern County Public Works if you have additional questions.

New Gate Fees FAQs

Gate Fees*

Waste Type Gate Fee
Ordinary Residential Waste (Self-Haul) No charge
Standard Gate Fee $65.15 per ton
Transfer Station Fee $11.23 per ton (added to non-residential gate fees)
Construction & Demolition $89.86 per ton
Clean Dirt
(free of debris, trash, and contaminants)
$5.62 per ton
Clean Inerts
(free of debris, trash, and contaminants)
$16.85 per ton
Dirty Inerts $89.86 per ton
Dead Animals

$112.33 per animal
$168.49 per ton for multiple animals or parts of animals requiring special handling

Dead animals from outside of Kern County are not accepted at any County waste facility.

Travel Trailers $561.63 each
Treated Wood Waste at Transfer Stations and Unlined Landfills
(maximum of 2 cubic yards per load)
Treated wood waste other than railroad ties: $168.49 per ton
Treated wood waste in the form of railroad ties: $16.85 per tie
Treated Wood Waste at Lined Landfills (Bena, Shafter, Taft; contacting Public Works prior to delivery is required) $89.86 per ton
Untarped / Unsecured Loads 2x the gate fee or $20 minimum charge
Returned Check Fee $25 each
Other Hard to Handle Items $224.65 per ton
Department Hourly Rate $101.09 per hour
Non-Residential Bin Fee $3.37 per cubic yard
Non-Residential Transfer Station Bin Fee $0.58 per cubic yard additional
Out-of-County Waste Fee $101.09 per ton plus applicable transfer fee
Out-of-County Bin Fee $4.83 per cubic yard

Non-Residential at Facilities with Scales

Transfer fee and out-of-County fee apply, as appropriate

Waste Type Gate Fee
Cars $13.48 per vehicle
Pickup trucks $30.33 per vehicle
Pickup trucks loaded above cab $38.19 per vehicle
Trailers, large vehicles, or roll-offs $65.15 per ton

Non-Residential at Facilities without Scales

Transfer fee and out-of-County fee apply, as appropriate

Waste Type Gate Fee
Cars $13.48 per vehicle
Pickup trucks $30.33 per vehicle
Pickup trucks loaded above cab $38.19 per vehicle
Trailers, large vehicles, or roll-offs $65.15 per ton

Tires (Residential & Non-Residential)

Waste Type Gate Fee
Bulk loads & earth mover tires $280.81 per ton
Light duty tires (18" diameter rim or smaller) $3.37 per tire
Heavy duty tires (19" to 24" diameter rims) $16.85 per tire
Oversize tires (racing tires and tires with more than 24" rims) $22.47 per tire

Landscaping, Gardening, and Tree Trimming Maintenance Service Companies

Beginning July 1, 2022, any and all loads of non-residential green waste shall be charged at the standard rate of $65.15 per ton or at the vehicle type rates presented above. As of January 1, 2022, recycling of organics and green wastes is now mandated by the State of California through Senate Bill 1383. A commercial self-hauler of organics and green wastes are required by California state law to keep their organics and green wastes loads free of contamination and are required to send organics collected during the course of conducting their business for recycling.

Non-residential green waste delivered to Kern County Public Works facilities cannot be disposed of in the landfill and must be handled in a manner that constitutes recycling. Self-haulers are required to maintain documentation and records that they have delivered organic wastes to a recycling facility. Entities that do not comply with Senate Bill 1383 requirements will be issued administrative fines for non-compliance.

Senate Bill 1383

With the passage of Senate Bill 1383, recycling is no longer a voluntary action. Recycling of all materials, specifically organics, is now mandated by the State of California and shall be handled in a manner that allows recycling. This means all materials coming to a Kern County Public Works facility is required to be brought into the facility separated or separated during unloading. We encourage you to continue to source separate your materials when visiting the landfill by placing them in designated areas.

*Disclaimer – The Proposition 218 process was completed allowing for an increase in these gate fees with a Consumer Price Index (CPI) increase adjustment formula. Notwithstanding that approval, the Board of Supervisors hereby sets the rates at a lesser amount with acknowledgement that the Board of Supervisors may increase these rates in future years to the Proposition 218 approved rates with the adjustment formula included.

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